1) Anfaal Foundation (www.anfaalfoundation.com) Payment Policy
Anfaal Foundation doesn't charge any Processing fee, Platform fee or Contract fee. Funds in total are disbursed to the beneficiaries who have raised the cause.
The full amount which is collected for a cause is disbursed to the beneficiary.
The Payment Gateway deducts approximately 2% in almost all causes (In some specific cases 2.5%) on the total amount collected during the progression of campaign. GST of 18% on Payment Gateway fee is included in the above amount. Balance amount deducting payment gateway charges and GST are disbursed to beneficiaries.
The platform accepts donations in INR only and from bank accounts within India from Indian nationals only.
If you have any queries email: info@anfaalfoundation.com
2) Cancellation and Refund Policy:
Donations made through Anfaalfoundation.com are final and cannot be refunded, except in accordance with Anfaalfoundation.com Refund Policy.
However, Anfaalfoundation.com will issue refunds for the following “exceptional” scenarios.
If after approval of a cause, on a later stage, Cause is identified as a fraudulent (though Team Anfaal Foundation take all necessary measures of scrutiny) completely or violating the terms of service and if NO funds is transferred to the Recipient towards the same. Anfaalfoundation.com will speak to individual Donors and either refund the amount to Donor or transfer the amount to any other existing cause as per the wish of Donors.
If the Cause raiser (Beneficiary) informs that the intended purpose of the cause fundraising is achieved or no longer required for any reason, and no funds have yet been transferred to the Recipient towards the same, then Anfaal Foundation will speak to individual Donors and either will refund the amount to Donor or transfer the amount to any other existing cause as per the wish of Donors.
Any other claims for refunds shall be honored at the discretion of AnfaalFoundation.com refund policy.
All refunds will be credited to the original mode of payment in 12-15 bank working days.
3) Robust KYC Process/Cause Verification:
Post donation cause raised on AnfaalFoundation.com, following steps for verification are followed:
Investigation team volunteer is allocated to each of the cause raised who are experienced in verification process. The volunteers are internal team members of Anfaal Foundation and complete data security process is followed.
The Anfaal Volunteers connects with beneficiary/ cause raiser. Genuineness of the cause is highly expected. So, the volunteer will cross check and ask for max details and documents/ references as per policy of Anfaal Foundation.
The Anfaal Volunteer will verify the eligibility, genuineness of the requirement, on the basis of documents scrutiny. Once cause manager is satisfied with the genuineness of the cause it is sent to content team.
Content team will review the entire content and documents. After this process request is sent to approve or reject the cause.
Physical Verification if required are done by Investigation team members of Anfaal Foundation which are present across the MMR (Mumbai Metropolitan Region).
Post approval of the cause, it is listed in the committee meeting.
Anfaal Foundation collects maximum donation through promotions done by team members and also volunteer teams on social media platforms.
In authentic circumstances if college, hospital or vendors don't provide their personal bank details, after physical verification by Anfaal Foundation, it will transfer the amount directly to the beneficiary subject to approval by Anfaal Foundation.
4) Disbursement Process:
Once the case is successfully verified, the funds will be directly transferred to the service provider such as educational institute/hospital, etc. .
1) Unclaimed Money:
Anfaal Foundation raises funds for different causes and in some cases, it might happen that the beneficiary does not claim the raised funds for some reasons.
Anfaal Foundation pay-out team will keep on contacting the beneficiary through Message, Call, Email, physical appearance for a certain amount of time.
If there is NO RESPONSE or if the beneficiary does not wish to claim the raised amount, then it goes to the category of “Unclaimed Fund”.
2) Surplus Amount:
By “Surplus Amount” here we mean that amount of the fund-raised that exceeds the goal amount.
For such extra amount (surplus amount) that is raised, Anfaal Foundation reserve rights to put in into a “Surplus amount raise” category and the amount will be utilized for the administrative costs and office expenses of Anfaal Foundation
3) Large Donations:
Large amount of donations that are being done by "Direct Bank Transfer" are subjected to save 2% cost that the payment gateway vendors deduct.
Hence, it is advisable for Donors to make large donations via the direct bank transfer option so that they can save the 2% cost on the donated amount.
The donors can make direct donation of the amount to below back account which will reflect in cause raiser fund within 1-2 days.
Bank Name: ICICI Bank Ltd
Account Name: Anfaal Education and Welfare Foundation
Account Number: 698801700451
IFSC Code: ICIC0006988