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  • info@anfaalfoundation.com
  • Mumbai
  • Mazgaon, 400010


To effectively channelize funds, Anfaal is meticulously striving to collect every rupee donated from the community which includes (and not limited to) the following:

• Sadqa
• Khums (Sheme Imam and Sehme Sadaat)
• Membership
• Fitra
• Fidya
• Kaffara
• Zakat
• Qurbani
• General Donation

Anfaal Foundation designed a robust and transparent system to collect the above-mentioned funds. The funds collected are updated on a real-time basis, preventing any kind of fund leakage resulting in a holistic integrated collection and fund management system.

Sadqa contributes a major share in the total collection
 On average every month, money is collected from more than 2200 from across Greater Mumbai, its Suburbs, Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR)  Sadqa collection is made by the collection staff, by personally coordinating and making home visits.  Some donor also prefers to use various electronic modes of payment such as NEFT, IMPS, PAYTM, etc.

Khums is another very important fund collected to uplift the downtrodden Sadaat families and has a good share of contributions from the donors.
 Sehme Sadaat funds are used for the implementation of large projects such as paying higher education fees, payment for tuition fees for specialized/ vocational courses, etc. for the fulfillment of the needs of Sadaat families.  Sehme Imam funds are also been collected by Anfaal Foundation as we have been awarded special Ijaza (permission) from the office of the Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani (d.z.)  The disbursement of these funds is in line with Tauzeeh of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Ali al-Sistani d.z.

Monthly membership fees are paid by the 50+ members of Anfaal to support the office maintenance, promotional/advertisement material, and other operational expenses of the Foundation.

 Membership fees contribution starts from Rs. 100 onwards up to any desired amount by the respective members.

Fitra is collected once a year on the day of Eid ul Fitr and is bifurcated between Sadaat and non-Sadaat and is distributed accordingly as per the Zakat ul Fitra Laws.

Fidiya & Kaffarah is normally received during the Holy Month of Ramadan e Mubarak and the funds are utilized for special Ramadan ration distribution.

Zakat is collected and distributed as per the Zakat (alms-tax) laws.

Qurbani donation is collected to organize Ijtemai Qurbani during the Holy Month of Dhil Hajj. The funds collected are used to buy goats for sacrifice and the 400 gms pack of meat is distributed to 3000+ families across 30+ areas in Mumbai and MMR, these needy families are identified a month in advance who financially couldn’t afford to perform the sacrifice.

General Donations are collected on the need basis, wherever there is a bigger project and the available funds are not enough to execute, e.g. during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, multiple appeals were made on general platforms and donations were received to help 14,000+ families to receive food packets for 2 consecutive months.